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October 24, 2006


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Mike Barer

You may want to check out a blog I found for lloyd thaxton. I remember watching Lloyd Thaxton and you dropped by our house on Leonard St. You can check it out at www.lloydthaxton.blogspot.com

Burl Barer

Yes, the New York Times did a big feature on this loving couple..and how they survived in New Orleans. Meanwhile my new addiction is Dr. Phil's House of Hate -- I can't wait till Monday!!


I thought I was the only person who read this story! When I tried to relate it to others they thought I was nuts.
It is a horrible case, made only worse by the one part you left out which was that the couple (before the killing, raping, cooking and suiciding) were profiled several times by the media as a special case of people who were able to stick it out in N.O. after the hurricane by trading hard liquor for clean water (they were both bartenders)....

Mike Barer

What a heartwarming story.

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