Snapped is Oxygen's true-life crime series about the American dream becoming the ultimate American nightmare. Each episode focuses on an average woman who suddenly "snaps" and kills her husband or someone else close to her. Sometimes it's greed for their mate's money. Other times it's resentment for the lies and deceit within a relationship.
It only makes sense that Burl Barer, Brilliant Author, make a special guest appearance on an upcoming episode. Yes, the wonderful folks who produce SNAPPED are flying me to Austin, Texas this coming Thursday because they are doing a show about Rhonda Glover, convicted of murdering her boyfriend, Jimmy Joste. This same case is the subject of my next true crime book for Pinnacle! Everyone from the crew of SNAPPED is being so gracious and friendly, I'm sure this will be a delight!
As I will be in Texas this Saturday, and Don Woldman will also be out of town, TRUE CRIMES on Outlaw Radio will be one of our Greatest Hits, selected by producer Matt Alan. So, if you have missed some of our past shows -- and not all of them are on the archive player -- tune in Saturday 2pm PST. Listen Live by clicking this link!
Burl Barer Matt Alan, Producer of TRUE CRIMES