Edgar Award winner and best selling author of true crime, mystery fiction, supernatural thrillers, and pop culture.
"Talented, Creative and Charming" -- Erin Moriarty, CBS 48hrs
"Burl Barer is one of my favorites!" -- Lis Wiehl, Fox News
My pal Jeremy got a gig in the new TV series Knights of October. He's the shirtless guy about to get some hot action on the beach. Tough work. Stop the crime player over there >>> and then press play on this thing:
Life is full of surprises, and you must be prepared to go with the proverbial flow. For example, lets's pretend that you are going to do a live interview with Kerrie Droban, a very famous author. The interview about the book, Running with the Devil,:will go for about an hour. You hope she is a good talker -- and as she is a defense attorney, that shouldn't be a problem. So you go on the air, and she doesn't show up. No author. What do you do for the hour? YOU FAKE IT. It's amazing how well Don Woldman, Judi Faye and I faked our way through an interview show without the guest star to interview. What made it easy is that the book RUNNING WITH THE DEVIL is so damn interesting that we could have talked about it even longer. You will enjoy hearing us handle this situation, and certainly sympathize with us and with Kerrie Droban who, instead of being on the air, was in the hospital following a horrid auto accident on the way to do the show. . Thankfully, Kerrie is alive and has all of her body parts intact.
The upside of all this is that we all receied excellent publicity, and Kerrie sent the three of us really spiffy official Running with the Devil shirts!
Oh, about the SEX CRAZED part of the title. Sex Crime expert Janet McClellan was our guest on Outlaw Radio's TRUE CRIME show the following week. You can hear highlights of the McClellan show, including her comment on the Jon Benet Ramsey investigation, RIGHT HERE!
All this frivolity was produced by Magic Matt Alan and broadcast live from his back yard!
Researchers are struggling
to understand a rare medical condition where sufferers
unknowingly demand, or actually have, sex while asleep.
You might foolishly ask: What's wrong with that? If you are already in bed with your partner, whose going to complain?
Here's the problem. The wife, for example, has this condition, and begins initiating sex while asleep. The husband responds appropriately, but this WAKES UP THE WIFE who then gets alll pissy about him jumping her while she is asleep! His protestastions of, "but you started it, and now that you're awake, let's do it" fall on deaf ears. She falls back to sleep and it starts all over again!
Most researchers view sexsomnia as a variant of
sleepwalking, where sufferers are stuck between sleep and
wakefulness, though sexsomniacs tend to stay in bed rather than
get up and walk about.
While sleepwalking affects two to four percent of adults,
sexsomnia is not thought to be as common a problem, according
to Nik Trajanovic, a researcher at the sleep and alertness
clinic at Canada's Toronto Western Hospital.
"On rare
occasions you have stories of people liking it better than
waking sex."
Michael Mangan, a
psychologist at the University of New Hampshire in the U.S. has
set up a Web site, www.sleepsex.org, to help sufferers.
Meanwhile Trajanovic is devising a procedure for diagnosing
sexsomnia in legal cases where sufferers have been accused of
sexual assault.
"Your Honor, I didn't intend to have sex with the woman in my bed. I was asleep when it happened, and she didn't make any movement or response sufficient to wake me. In other words, no different than usual"