66% of Americans Admit to Prejudice Against Muslims
April 3, 2008 by abuhunain
The Racist Legacy of Orientalism
“How much do Americans know about the views and beliefs of Muslims around the world? According to polls, not much. Perhaps not surprising, the majority of Americans (66%) admit to having at least some prejudice against Muslims; one in five say they have “a great deal” of prejudice. Almost half do not believe American Muslims are “loyal” to this country, and one in four do not want a Muslim as a neighbor.” LA Times
What you think you know about them is likely wrong — and that’s dangerous.
I would argue that this hatred and prejudice is manufactured, propagated and vacillated in public media, discourse and policy. It’s always interesting to me how the media juxtaposes such conflicting ideas in these polls. Imagine! How is it that Muslims living in America (both indigenous and immigrant) are supposed to adopt a deeply patriotic attitude in a context where most America’s harbor prejudice and hate? To add insult to injury there is the continued (and it is an extremely long continuation) vilification and demonization of Islam and Muslims in America. In public discourse we gloss right over the fact that Muslims are being lambasted and lampooned in a racist and bigoted environment, smack to the question of national loyalties. Keep and eye on the media game! It is a system that has existed several centuries.
Hasn’t America experienced enough racism, bigotry and hatred on its soil? Or is it so engrained in our culture that we seek out victims for which to continue on a path of oppression and tyranny? Indians, Africans, Irish, Jews, Asians and the list continues of ethnic and religious people who have had to fight and die on American soil against racism and bigotry. Are American’s prepared for another civil struggle while we are fighting abroad? The consequences of our beliefs, thoughts, and actions now have global implications. We can no longer continue with this sort of irresponsible thinking (or lack of thinking). Is the American Democratic legacy for the world and those who come after us anything other than War, Racism and Hatred?