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Posted at 09:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
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Posted at 06:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
Posted at 06:13 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 11:59 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 12:03 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Fred Wolfson is not only the most famous private eye in America, he is also a frequent guest on Outlaw Radio, both on True Crimes and on Matt Alan's Outlaw Radio show. He also took many of the incredible photographs you find on the Outlaw Radio site.
Now, for the first time, cases culled from his files are available for instant download for your Kindle!
Price? $1.99
If you don't have Kindle, get it. Then download....
“Secrets of a Hollywood Private Eye”
with Burl Barer
Secrets of a Hollywood Private Eye is a white-hot, page turner expose of cheating spouses, greedy conmen, easily duped superstars, jealous directors, kidnapped children, and every type of civil and criminal caper imaginable in a town known for tinsel and glitter.
This compelling compendium of stranger than fiction cases from the files of Fred Wolfson, PI, take him not only to the exclusive Bel Air and Beverly Hills haunts of the rich and famous, but also to the hooker strewn street corners of seedy Hollywood Blvd, criminal hideouts in South America, and terrorist investigations in Saudi Arabia.
Whether Wolfson is tracking down missing money for Caesars Palace, outfoxing an international swindler, or breaking up a black market of stolen children, all the action is one-hundred percent true. The real bonus is that Wolfson doesn’t simply recount his adventures, but he shares the methods, both legal and otherwise, that made him the most in-demand and respected private detective of our time.
The famous names drop like quarters in a Vegas slot machine – The Rolling Stones, Roseanne Barr, Groucho Marx , Zsa Zsa Gabor, Michael Jackson, Rodney King, and the list goes on.
Wolfson’s fascinating reminiscences detail exactly how to tell when someone is lying, cheating or stealing from you. You’ll learn the tragic consequence of failing to conduct a simple background check, how to find out the truth about anyone, and most intriguing of all, how Fred Wolfson “hired himself” to get back millions of dollars that was stolen from him by someone he loved and trusted; someone who thought they had the perfect plan, but they didn’t plan on Fred Wolfson living long enough to bring them to justice.
Posted at 05:18 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Posted at 06:12 PM | Permalink | Comments (2)
Bradley Jardis on TRUE CRIMES next Saturday 2pm Pacific Time/4pm Central/5pm Eastern
Police Officer Bradley Jardis speaks on on True Crimes about ending the failed War on Drugs.
"A great deal of good for our society can come from ending the failed War on Drugs"
Bradley Jardis has served as a police officer in the State of New Hampshire since March of 1999. He took his oath of office three months before graduating from high school and graduated from the Part-Time New Hampshire Police Academy before finishing his high school obligations. Bradley is proud to serve the people of his state and takes his oath to uphold the law very seriously.
It is with the same dedication to protect and serve that he now opposes the "War on Drugs."
As a law enforcement officer, Bradley has seen the detrimental effects of the drug war on citizens from all walks of life. He understands many victims of theft and violence to be victims of drug prohibition; victims that could be avoided if we adopt a more rational and ethical approach to our nation's drug problems. He argues that the lessons learned from our enforcement of the 18th Amendment and the Volstead Act should apply equally to our contemporary prohibition of drugs.
Bradley joined LEAP because he believes that a great deal of good for our society can come from ending the failed "War on Drugs." He stands firm in his conviction that by legalizing and adopting stringent regulations for all drugs, we would achieve the following results:
Bradley hopes that by donating his time as a citizen to LEAP and our mission to educate the public on the myths and realities of the drug war, he can help change the drug laws that he is sworn to enforce
Posted at 05:00 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)