Joe Zingher is waging a war against ATM theft -- and he's invented a way to greatly reduce ATM theft...but banks don't seem interested...why? We'll find out Saturday on True Crime Uncensored!
Then, the following Saturday....the return of Steven Long, famous true crime author and horse lover! He doesn't need to ride a plastic pony in front of Albertson's. Steven wrote the classic, disturbing true crime classic, DEATH WITHOUT DIGNITY-- the story of the first and only prosecution of a corporation for murder! Lately, Long has been writing "fiction" based on true bits of history, both mysterious and criminal,
Why has Long switched to fiction? Or is he doing both? We will find out! But first, let's stop by the ATM for some loot!
When using an ATM, you shold follow these tips:
- Do not choose a PIN that is obvious such as your birth date or Social Security Number.
- Get a list from your bank of ATM locations and keep it in the car.
- Choose an ATM that feels safe even if it is a few miles out of your way.
- Treat an ATM card as though it were money.
- Use ATMs that are in well-lighted, open, high-traffic areas such as those at grocery or convenience stores.
- Do not argue or fight with a robber; just give up the cash.
- Do not try to follow the robber. Call the police instead and give them a description of the robber.
- When you arrive at an ATM, look around. If you see anything that makes you uncomfortable or anyone who looks suspicious, do not stop. Either use an ATM at a different location or come back later.
- Be alert for anything suspicious, especially two or more people in a nearby vehicle, with no one else at the ATM. Also be alert to anyone who appears to be "hanging" around the area.
- If you sense something wrong, leave the area immediately and use another ATM.
- Have everything ready before you approach an ATM; have your card ready, know your code, and fill out your deposit envelope before approaching the ATM.
- Do not write your code on your ATM card. Memorize your code.
- Do not hold the door open for anyone; be rude.
- Put your cash and receipt away immediately. Do not leave your receipt at the site because dishonest people can use that receipt to get your account number.
- Do not count your money at the ATM or leave your cash exposed.
- Always remember that you can easily cancel a transaction at any time.
- Try not to use an ATM after dark. If you must, choose one that is well lit and does not have tall bushes nearby.
- If you must go to the ATM after dark, go to one located inside an open business like a grocery store.
- Don't give your PIN to others. This is the leading cause of theft.
- If you must use an ATM after dark, have a friend go with you if possible.
- Never accept help from a stranger at an ATM or allow yourself to become distracted when performing an ATM transaction.
- When you leave the ATM and you feel someone is following you, walk or drive to the closest open business and call the proper authorities.
- Report all ATM crimes to the local police and the financial institution.
At a Drive-Up ATM
When using a drive-up ATM, you should follow these tips:
- Keep your car doors locked.
- Keep all windows closed, except the one you are using.
- Keep the car running.
- Keep your eyes moving, watching the front, sides, and rear area. If someone approaches your vehicle on foot, cancel the transaction and leave.
At a Walk-Up ATM
When using a drive-up ATM, you should follow these tips:
- Stay alert. Use ATMs with convex mirrors so you can easily see the entire facility when entering, as well as while banking. You can also see someone approaching from behind.
- If there is anyone who looks suspicious—for example, people at phone booths, bus stops, in parked cars, or loitering nearby—find another ATM.
- Protect your PIN. Do not enter your PIN if anyone else can see the screen or keypad. Use your body to shield your PIN from onlookers.
- Stand directly in front of the ATM to block the view of others. You do not want anyone to see your code or how much money you are withdrawing.
- When waiting in line, wait well behind the person using the ATM.
- When you are using the ATM and someone is closer than you would like, ask them to step back a few steps. If they do not step back, it may be best to cancel the transaction and go to another ATM.
- If someone else is using the ATM, stay alert to your surroundings.
The use of ATMs is increasing and the opportunity to commit crimes against ATM users is also on the rise. Banks are making an attempt to protect their customers from criminals. The technology being implemented today might deter a crime from occurring in the future. Whether the technology is the eye-recognition technology, the SafeAlert system, or some other system implemented in the future, customers will eventually feel safer.
The safety tips suggested for the customer’s well being are very useful. With these tips ATM users should be secure in knowing that they do not have to become a victim.