Elliott Lester is an award winning hot shot building an impressive career, and what could be a bigger boost than having his film NIGHTINGALE debut on HBO Friday the 29th? Well, the answer is obvious -- being on our show the very next day!
Yes, Elliott Lester (a man who has actually read Man Overboard) shows up in the lighten up lounge to have fun with Burl Barer, Howard Lapides, fact-checker Mark Boyer and Magic Matt Alan and the Demons of Decadence Saturday May 30th. LISTEN LIVE WITH YOUR FREE OUTLAW RADIO APP FOR YOUR SMART PHONE FROM YOUR FAVORITE APP STORE...OR LISTEN LIVE BY CLICKING THIS LINK
"Burl Barer is so excited that Elliott Lester is coming to his show, Burl will call in from Austin Texas where he is going to investigate the tunnels under Wal-Mart that don't exist.
"I was torn between staying in Los Angeles to see Mr. Lester in person, or digging under Wal-Mart looking for secret tunnels or treasure as in the movie King of California starring Michael Douglas.. Thanks to Don Ameche, the telephone was invented, and I can call into my own show that day while Howard and Mark and Matt grill Elliott like a swordfish."
oh yeah, Elliott Lester also directed BLITZ